Demon Hunters: Back from the Dead – Page 40

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19 Responses

  1. Kale says:

    Is Jim about to reset the Cipher? Or is that for Gabriel?

  2. Just Here says:

    Shit, we’re gonna need another necromancer to raise our necromancer from the dead after those glares.

  3. Orlaith Inghean Iomhair says:

    amazing as always. I noticed that in the second large panel Bijou’s shirt has the brotherhood logo on it, but in the next panel it’s not there.

    • The last thing I said to myself last night while the image was uploading was “Nah, nobody will notice that.”

      So thank you! Don’t let me get complacent!

      • Jimmy McMichael says:

        “Artistic License” Ben. The answer is always “Artistic License”.

      • Matthew "Kyu Kage" Hunt says:

        Actually, I’d say its fine.

        It’s the same principal Computer Games use for distance drawinf objects.

        Only puts the finer detail in the closer you get.

  4. Sam says:

    It’s ok Ben. Because the shot pulled back abit it’s now to small for pal to see.

    Also I think they broke Gabriel.

    • Sam says:

      For you to see*

      Grrrr phone auto correct needs to die

      • Matthew "Kyu Kage" Hunt says:

        Maybe that’s a complication for the RPG?

        Auto Correct never works in your favour.

        For the love of all that is good and holy don’t take it as the Cipher! 😛

    • Matthew "Kyu Kage" Hunt says:

      Yeah, Gabriel’s in processing mode by the look of it.

      He’ll snap back though.

  5. PolkaNinja says:

    “Look Gab. At least it’s not Omega THIRTEEN. Cuz’, like nothin’ would be worse than that.
    Actually, never mind. Yeah, this sucks hairballs. Dammit.”

  6. Town Crier says:

    Get over it. The Dirty Dozen was basically an omega unit. You train them up right, and soon you’ll hear even the nastiest demon whining about “the Geneva Conventions” whenever your group walks into the room.

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