Demon Hunters: Back from the Dead – Page 12

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19 Responses

  1. Patric Byrd says:

    This series is gonna be amazing, High hopes

  2. Salinn says:

    …and now that Chumbawumba song will be stuck in my head for days…

  3. What’s the plan? Now we get our ears pierced, Jim.

    Seriously, Jim needs to get his ear pierced. For continuitiy’s sake. :p

  4. Don Early says:

    In Dead Camper Lake, Jim did not have an earring. Just saying.

  5. Nagytika says:

    Whose bloody sword edge we saw in the first panel?

  6. But wasn’t that a Jim that travelled forward in time past the point of his own death?

    • Jimmy McMichael says:

      Fun Fact: I actually saw Chumbawumba perfom at a big multiple-artist concert in 1997. That same night I also saw David Bowie perform.

      Unfun Fact: Of the two, I only remember seeing Chumbawumba. What the hell, brain!?

  7. reddir says:

    “I get knocked down, but I get up again. You’re never gonna keep me down.”

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