Whoo! This has been one crazy, Demon Huntery week! Have you been watching this Kickstarter?! ONE WEEK and we’re over 21 THOUSAND dollars! Holy crap, you guys! Less than $9k left until we meet...
This Touching Mentor Pep-Talk is brought to you by: Demon Hunters RPG: A Comedy of Terrors Kickstarter, runs 9/16-10/16 Yes, it’s true! We’re doing a Kickstarter to fund our new roleplaying game, Demon Hunters...
Sorry for going AWOL last week, folks. Couldn’t be avoided. But now we’re back, Ben’s replacement computer should be showing up today, and we’re in decent shape, except that I think Ben has given me...
It’s a plastic bag, RM. Not sure the CHOMP is really necessary. Have you guys been keeping up with our DG Game Night episodes? Really? Because I sure as hell haven’t been telling you...
Holy $#&@ indeed! Check out that panel-in-a-dialogue-balloon action. You ever seen that done before? Because I sure haven’t. Pretty sure Ben just invented that, and it’s freakin’ awesome. Did you get your free copy...
Any guesses as to who’s behind door number one? Guess you’ll have to come back next week! Cameos and easter eggs galore in this one! Panel One features a trio of Rho Seven agents...
We’re back! Hope you enjoyed the fill-in stories during the hiatus. And that you actually came back after the hiatus. I guess we’ll find out together. Fingers crossed! So the comic’s back, and should...
He said the thing! The thing from the movies! We’ve been working on the comic since 2011. This was, in no way, a constant, productive workflow (it turns out there’s a lot of cool...
I’d have hung on to that Holy Rebar if I was Gabe. Shockingly effective! Sorry for the delay, guys. We’ve got an idea for fixing that. More to come, but for now, enjoy the...
See ya around, Raalf! Wow, another month down! A huge thanks to all of our Patreon patrons who supported us in May! This Thursday, the Brotherhood’s chief historian, Kentucky Blue Clay, returns with another bizarrely true tale...