Comic Tomorrow, Fanart Today!
Sorry everybody, but the comic’s gonna be late again. I know, I’m just as upset about it as you are! Ben, your time management skills are bad and you should feel bad!
Instead, have a look at this little slice of badassitude, courtesy of Woody Arnold from Thunderfrog Studios:

Tonight, the role of “Sea Demon” will by played by Marvel Comics’ Fin Fang Foom… (Click image for full-sized splendor)
Woody took the time out of his busy schedule of writing awesome comics based on other Dead Gentlemen films to set up a kickass 3D tribute to the Sea Demon flashback from Page 4:
Woody, you’re beyond awesome! Ben, I am disappoint. Everybody else, new comic tomorrow. Sorry folks, we’ll get the hang of this thing someday!
Sorry, folks. Some stuff in my personal life has been distracting lately. I’ll do my best to have the next page ready for tomorrow.
Seriously guys, can’t you take a week off so that Ben has at least one extra page he can fall back on? Or maybe Ben can try to get a day off work and spend it drawing Demon Hunter pages?
No matter what you do, this accusing in public really isn’t the right way to go. You need to find a civil solution.